Lost in the 50’s parade

Our little town celebrates “lost in the 50’s” with a parade of classic cars and a car show.  We attended the parade for the first time this year.  The kids were sad that no one threw candy -I mean really, is there any other reason for a parade?  But they enjoyed seeing the old cars and trucks.  They were especially impressed with the car that backfired flames!  It was a fun event to take my parents to.






Cooking smores for dessert on the fire.20130112-_LIL8248We’ve roasted hot dogs for supper too. 🙂  The kids think the fire place is great.  Ben sets his army canteen in the coals and makes hot chocolate for all of them.

Eye to Eye

We spent fall break in Canada with some friends.  Most of our time was spent in Banff, but we did make it to Calgary for an afternoon at the zoo.  We were very impressed with the Calgary zoo, it was one of the best I have been to.

Here are Ben and Dan, eye to eye with a big vulture.



I know, I’m a little late, but better late than never!

We enjoyed our first trunk – or – treat at the church in place of trick or treating.   Halloween is always fun – and this year I was smart and had Clark hide the kid’s candy  – and be in charge of rationing it, so I wouldn’t eat it all!


One of the great things about living in a new area is the opportunity to explore new trails.  We hiked at a few new places while my mom was here.  This trail wound up around a hill to the top of the knob.  We didn’t make it all the way up, but had a great time.

Ben tried to catch bugs for his collection and Jacob walked the whole way.

Grandma and the kids

Ben insisted that I photograph some of the bugs he found.